Day 10: We arrive at the border with Mexico
Written from Katie’s perspective…
The AirBnB we got over the night was so nice that we actually ended up sleeping in a bit late, whereas we were originally thinking we would head to the zoo in San Diego early in the morning.
Our first stop was in a small town called “Dana Point” south of LA. Nick had been here once as a kid and wanted to drag me around to all the places he and his friend David had been before. He made me feel like one of the guys. Dana Point was pretty, the harbor was really interesting because of the sheer number of boats.
Then we went to Del Taco, a Southern California food chain that you can only find in Federal Way (near Seattle). Nick got an epic burrito that felt like it weighed as much as a foot.
Then we set our GPS to avoid highways and tolls and drove down the border, where Nick seemed really excited about the wall. Along the way we drove along a really big bridge called the Coronado Bridge. The US side of the border surprisingly felt a lot like America and not very much like Mexico.
We then drove over to a pederstrian suspension bridge that was really scary. Also, airplanes were flying really low to the ground directly over our heads. Also scary.
Our AirBnB was almost ready, so we went to Seaport Village and walked around a bit. We saw the USS Midway and saw a statue of the famous photo of a couple kissing after the end of WW2 and Nick explained that he was just kissing a random girl and not his wife, which made me sad. We also saw some small statues that looked like one of them might just start moving at any point (this was the Bob Hope tribute).
Nick also found a Zoltar machine and wished he was small again. A few minutes later he was granted his wish…
We checked into the AirBnB and met our host’s very nice dogs. We were hungry for Mexican food, we went to Baja Betty’s (a local gay bar) for 1/2-off Mondays! My mole enchilada was mucho good.
Tomorrow we are going to go to San Diego Zoo early in the morning and then drive off into the desert for fabulous Las Vegas, where we might not be able to update you because it’s rumored that what happens there stays there…